ChaSTE - Chandra's Surface Thermo-physical Experiment
Lunar payload fixed onto the Vikaran lander on-board Candrayaan-2 mission (2019)
Official link: Chandrayaan 2, Vikram Lander payload [Link]
Due to confidential reasons images or other graphical details are not shared.
Short description: ChaSTE measures the vertical temperature gradient and thermal conductivity of the lunar surface. It consists of a thermal probe (sensors and a heater) that is inserted into the lunar regolith down to a depth of ~10 cm. ChaSTE operates in two modes:
Passive mode operation in which continuous in-situ measurements of temperature at different depths are carried out Active mode operation in which temperature variations in a set period of time, and the regolith's thermal conductivity under contact, are estimated.
List of robotic prototype
1. 4WD off-road IC engine (36 cc) RC Car
2. All terrain crawler
3. Maze follower robot (finding the shortest part)
4. Underwater Remote Operated Vehicle (Bachelors degree project)
5. There are other small scale projects which I don't have track record. (apologies but they are about certain emerging technologies in beginner and intermediate level such as NI LabVIEW, ARM 7 processors)

Amateur underwater vehicle design with brushless motor and tunable servo's. This is my final year bachelors degree project.